
紮白帕(功德稱,13世紀)生於康區康什紮今貢噶山鄉喀什扎),初受學于大喇嘛巴傑 阿勒卻傑。後拜第二世噶瑪巴噶瑪巴希為師,在貢噶雪山結茅苦修,得無比殊勝大自在。弟子們尊他為貢噶喇嘛。西元1285年(藏曆然熊五木雞年)在貢噶山修建貢噶寺(今老貢噶寺)。

Gangkar Lama Drakpi Pal was born in the Iron-Monkey year of the 4th cycle (1260). He received practice and other instructions from Karmapa Karma Pakshi and had about 500 sharp-witted disciples. His practice produced great accomplishment. His disciples called him “Gangkar Lama”. In the year 1285 (Wood-Bird year) he built Gangkar Monastery (the so called old Gangkar monastery).