
 德新〈善逝事業〉,轉生於雲南中甸甲摩濁哇絨地區,被認定為噶瑪 貢噶巴轉世,為貢噶寺主。一生中事蹟甚多,在木雅地區弘宗演教。在九龍夏喀摧伏黑教,樹立正法,利樂有情,使當地信眾改宗噶舉法教。

Deyshek Dorje was born at Gyal-mo Tsa-pa-rong in the 17th century at the beginning of the 11th calendrical cycle. He was recognized as the reincarnation of the 4th Gangkar Rinpoche. He taught in the Minyak area. He also suppressed the Bon religion, and local people were moved by his teaching to change their religion to the Kagyu Lineage.