

噶瑪 澤仁旺波〈長壽事業自在〉,轉生於今甘孜州康定縣六巴鄉上木居村,懂藏醫。拜噶舉祖師噶瑪寧杰旺波〈成就蓮日自在〉為師,親證瑪哈嘎拉本尊,獲證三根本無分別之大成就。於堅硬石上隨指畫成唵、啊、吽三種子字,至今人皆可見。

Tsering Wangpo was born near the monastery at Zhag-ra-tshang. He had                          great knowledge of Tibetan medicine. He was a student of Situ Pema Nyinye Wangpo of Dege Palpung Monastery where he studied for some time. He carved the three syllables Om, Ah, Hung on a rock without any effort. These can still be seen. He passed away in 1891 leaving a message that he would be born at Brag-na-tsang.