


噶瑪 協珠卻傑生根〈說法獅子,1893-1957年〉,1893年(清光緒十九年)藏曆水蛇年轉生於今四川甘孜藏族自治州康定縣朋布鄉,格勒底村紮朗措家。為十五世噶瑪巴卡洽多傑(遍空金剛)所認定,並賜


第十六世噶瑪巴(左)和第九世貢噶仁波切(右)在德格八蚌寺拜噶舉大德噶瑪 德欽尼當 丁真然傑堪布為上師,受沙彌戒學習噶舉教法,拜十一世廣定大司徒巴貝瑪旺秋為師受比丘戒。又參拜八邦宛根仁波切、益噶仁波切、堪布喀欽澤旺班久等為師,學習教法、藏學等。






Karma Shedrub Chökyi Senge (1893-1957) was born in the Water-female-Snake year of the 15th calendrical cycle in  a house called Gilti Brag-nag-tsang near Kangding, now Ganzi, Sichuan Province. He was recognized by 15th Karmapa Khakyab Dorje who gave him his name. When he was 15, he went to Palpung Monastery in Dege. He studied many scriptures, sutras and root texts. At the age of 21, he received the full monk’s vows. When he visited Tsurphu he requested deep teachings from Gyalwa Karmapa Khakhyab Dorje. Jamgon Situ Pema Wangchuk made him his very close disciple. He stayed 15 years at Dege Palpung, then, in 1922, he went back to his own monastery. He spent more than 2 years in retreat at Gangkar Mountain Retreat with many signs of great accomplishment. Later he became the tutor of the 16th Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje.
On two occasions he went to China and stayed there for altogether 8 years. Many of his disciples were Chinese, like Gangkar Ani and other famous disciples. The Chinese government honoured him with a silver seal, bestowing the honorific title Gangkar Khutukhtu”. In 1957 (Fire-Snake year of the 16th calendrical cycle), he passed away at Gangkar Monastery. His kudung is now in the New Gangkar Monastery (Kusi-drak).